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Papermaking blanket


  Papermaking felt refers to the fabric felt used in the paper industry for paper forming and conveying. According to the parts on the paper machine, it can be divided into wet blanket, upper blanket and dry blanket. Papermaking felts are required to have good dewatering, smoothness, stain resistance, abrasion resistance, dimensional stability, chemical resistance, antibacterial property, heat resistance and hydrolysis resistance. According to the parts on the paper machine, it can be divided into wet blanket, upper blanket and dry blanket. The wet blanket runs on the paper machine with water, which is used to press the blank to dewater and smooth the paper. The wet blanket has good water filtration and elasticity, high strength, low shrinkage, abrasion resistance, and resistance to bacteria and acid and alkali corrosion. The use part of the blanket is above the wet blanket, and a small part is in contact with the drying cylinder, which functions as a paper, flat and dry, and has the properties of flatness, stiffness, elasticity, wear resistance and high temperature resistance. The dry blanket is coated with a drying cylinder, which is operated under humid heat and dry state to iron and dry the paper, and has the properties of firmness, elasticity, wear resistance and high temperature resistance. Dry blankets can also be replaced by canvas or breathable fabric woven from polyester filaments.



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